Wi-Fi Advertising
By bringing quality hotspot ads to your guest managed network, Link ToAds™ helps assure that you will monetize your network and increase your revenues.
How does wifi advertising work?
Abbreviated as CPM (the letter "M" in the abbreviation is the Roman numeral for one thousand). CPM is used by the advertising industry to price ad banners. Sites that sell advertising will guarantee an advertiser a certain number of impressions (number of times an ad banner is shown and presumably seen by visitors), then set a rate based on that guarantee times the CPM rate. A Web site that has a CPM rate of $25 and guarantees advertisers 600,000 impressions will charge $15,000 ($25 x 600) for those advertisers' ad banner.
What are the options with wifi advertising? Link ToAds™ can place your wifi ads:
On the screen prior to a paid or authenticated connection
On the screen after an authenticated connection
In the browser as the surfer moves from page to page (Pervasive Ad Unit)